The University of Maryland is seeking two skilled data managers to support activities at the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). The two will work with the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System Regional Associations (IOOS RAs) and Data Assembly Centers.
The data managers will establish an open archival information-system-reference model based on best practices. The objective is to ensure data collected by the RAs, and other partners, will be archived and made discoverable/accessible for current as well as future use by NOAA and the nation. Additionally, the data managers will assist in creating and developing environmental and climate monitoring products originating from the IOOS RAs and platform/variable-based data assembly centers.
Position 1. Scientific data manager.
The person in this project will lead the research and development of procedures to archive IOOS assets at NCEI. This person will evaluate, establish, and reinvigorate archiving pipelines from the IOOS Enterprise, aligning with RA certification reviews. The person will train and ensure that RA Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) staff know and understand the process for all existing and new pipelines. Work will be done to identify areas for improvement throughout all elements of the pipelines, including those at NCEI, the IOOS Office/networks, and all IOOS RAs/platforms.
This collaborative approach will ensure that best practices are followed, clear documentation of timelines and expectations for NCEI’s archival requirements is developed, and effective communication is maintained with staff across all elements of the pipelines. These efforts are aimed at developing user-friendly products for easy access by the community.
The project will identify and ensure that the metadata of IOOS RA data is complete so that data are community discoverable by searching on all relevant keywords using both the IOOS Data Portal and other NCEI-managed services (e.g., NOAA Data Catalog and/or OneStop portals). Where possible, it will create linkages or investigate approaches to develop linkages between partners in the development chain.
Position 2: Technical data manager
The technical data manager will be the lead for ensuring archived IOOS assets are appropriately archived and available to NCEI products; Evaluate, establish, reinvigorate, and maintain archiving pipelines from the IOOS Enterprise, in alignment with RA certification reviews; Work to identify areas for improvement throughout all elements of the pipelines, including those at NCEI; the IOOS Office/networks; and all IOOS RAs/platforms The person will play a key role in defining future archival requirements, particularly those associated with the move to the cloud. They will do this by actively participating in project-based cloud migration meetings and activities.