Penn State's Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences provides access to weather data. Read below to learn more.
Forecaster's e-Wall
An electronic map wall with access to pertinent weather data.
Keystone Mesonet
The Keystone Mesonet, is a collection of many individual weather networks across Pennsylvania collected in one spot and displayed, along with historical data access.
Explore the Keystone Mesonet network >>
Pennsylvania State Climatologist
The goal of the State Climatologist office is to provide the most accurate and complete climatological data available for the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This data is presented in several different ways to allow the user maximum flexibility for searching our archives. In cooperation with the National Weather Service's Central Pennsylvania Forecast Office and the National Climate Data Center (Asheville, NC), the Pennsylvania State Climatologist provides detailed climatic information, primarily for Pennsylvania in a timely manner.
Learn more about the Pennsylvania State Climatologist >>
State College Weather and Historical Data Summaries
View State College weather data compiled by staff in the Joel N. Myers Weather Center