What is SARI?
The Scholarship and Research Integrity (SARI) program at Penn State is designed to offer graduate students comprehensive, multilevel training in the responsible conduct of research, in a way that is tailored to address the issues faced by individual disciplines. The program is implemented by PSU colleges and graduate programs in a way that meets the particular needs of students in each unit. In general, SARI programs have two parts: an online program to be completed in the first year of graduate study; to be followed by five hours of discussion-based RCR education prior to degree completion. The SARI Resource Portal provides information, teaching tools, and links to other resources to support SARI program activities, as well as access to an online training program provided by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), which most programs will use for first-year training.
Beginning with the incoming class of 2009, all graduate students at Penn State are required to complete the SARI requirements during their graduate program of study.
More about SARI at Penn State (Penn State's Scholarship and Research Integrity Resource Portal)
Meteorology's SARI Course (Meteo 591)
Meteorology's SARI course, METEO 591, "Development and Ethics as a Graduate Student in the Atmospheric Sciences," will be taught during the fall semester of each year. This one-credit course is graded as satisfactory (R) or unsatisfactory (C).
Meteo 591 is a requirement for:
- All first-year graduate students
- Undergraduates who are headed for summer research experiences either inside or outside of the Department of Meteorology
- Post-doctoral researchers and research associates will be required to sit-in on it within their first year of arriving here at Penn State, and their participation will be documented by the instructor for the course.